Listed below are a variety of flat, top-down images of some D&D monsters (mostly those based on real-life creatures), at a variety of scales. I have found these to be fairly useful, especially when dealing with rarely-encountered monsters of unusual or large size. (Just in case you fail to own four different sizes of "shark" miniatures, or a model of a "colossal monstrous centipede" that's a full two feet long.)
You'll find several types of vermin, animals, and dire animals below, each listed under the basic creature name. These images are all set at a scale of 96 dots-per-inch (which you'll want to match with your display "Font Size" if you're printing directly from Netscape or Paint in Windows); if you want to quickly print a page filled with many icons at once, you may wish to consider using my "Tile" program for DOS/Win95 (which will require first saving any images as Windows .BMP bitmaps), which is available here.
- ant_05x05.jpg
- ant_05x10.jpg
- bear_pol_05x05.jpg
- bear_pol_05x10.jpg
- bear_pol_10x20.jpg
- beetle_bomb_05x05.jpg
- beetle_fire_05x05.jpg
- beetle_stag_05x10.jpg
- centipede_02x02.jpg
- centipede_05x05.jpg
- centipede_05x15.jpg
- centipede_10x30.jpg
- centipede_15x60.jpg
- centipede_30x120.jpg
- dragon_02x02.jpg
- dragon_05x05.jpg
- dragon_05x10.jpg
- dragon_10x20.jpg
- dragon_20x40.jpg
- dragon_40x80.jpg
- horse_05x10.jpg
- octopus_05x05.jpg
- scorpion_02x02.jpg
- scorpion_05x05.jpg
- scorpion_05x10.jpg
- scorpion_10x20.jpg
- scorpion_20x40.jpg
- scorpion_40x80.jpg
- shark_05x05.jpg
- shark_05x10.jpg
- shark_10x20.jpg
- shark_10x25.jpg
- snake_con_05x05.jpg
- snake_con_15x15.jpg
- snake_vip_02x02.jpg
- snake_vip_05x05.jpg
- snake_vip_15x15.jpg
- spider_02x02.jpg
- spider_05x05.jpg
- spider_10x10.jpg
- spider_15x15.jpg
- spider_20x20.jpg
- spider_40x40.jpg
- squid_05x05.jpg
- squid_10x20.jpg
- whale_10x20.jpg
- whale_20x40.jpg
- worm_30x30.jpg