Here's a list of simple changes that can be made to the D&D 3rd Edition game rules to bring them more in line with the tone of 1st Edition AD&D:
- Enforce suggested limitations on race/class options (DMG21).
- Use "Variant: 1st-Level Multiclass Characters" (DMG40).
- Use "Variant: Gaining Class Abilities" for training (DMG42).
- At 1st level, roll for hit points, but with a minimum of at least an average roll (half maximum), as per Table 2-23 (DMG42).
- At 1st level, don't allow wizards to choose their 1st-level spells; roll on a table specific to their school or specialty (giving one each offensive, defensive, and miscellaneous spell).
- Remove the "Massive Damage" rule (PH129), replacing it by making all falling/environmental damage cumulatively increasing (see environs).
- Treat the shield spell as granting a +7 armor bonus (not cover, as given on PH251. See adndfaq1 for more explanation).
- Constitution checks are required for transformative magic (aging, petrification, polymorph others), at DC 7, or the subject dies. Any resurrection spell (raise dead, etc.) requires a similar check (at a +1 bonus) or the character is dead forever.
- Use individual weapon-versus-armor-class adjustments for attacks, directly from 1st Ed. rules. Alternatively, use the approximations to these adjustments, by weapon type, shown below:
Armor Bonus | Armor Worn | Bludgeoning | Piercing* | Subdual** |
0 | None | 0 | +1 | +2 |
1 | Padded | 0 | +1 | 0 |
2 | Leather | 0 | +1 | 0 |
3 | Studded, Hide | 0 | +1 | -1 |
4 | Scale, Chain shirt | 0 | 0 | -2 |
5 | Chain, Breastplate | +1 | 0 | -3 |
6 | Splint, Banded | +1 | 0 | -5 |
7 | Half-plate | +1 | -1 | -7 |
8 | Full plate | +1 | -2 | -8 |
9 | Full plate & Shield (sm) | +1 | -2 | -10 |
10 | Full plate & Shield (lg) | +1 | -3 | -11 |
* Includes Slashing and also these simple Bludgeoning weapons: Gauntlet, Club (including Greatclub), Quarterstaff, and Sling.
** Weapons which normally do Subdual damage must use the special column above, including: Unarmed Strike, Sap, and Whip. (Note that this replaces the normal limitation for a Whip.)